Cruise the Coast-Backpacking the Sunshine Coast Trail April 18-21, 2024

So this blog post might be a little longer than your typical one because I personally will take with me quite a few memories and some lasting lessons from this trip. To begin with it is always difficult when hiking an area for the first time. Despite the readings, the poring over topographic maps and conversations you have with people who have done the trail before nothing can really prepare you for putting boots on the ground. Hiking to me, and particularly backpacking, is almost an ongoing dialogue between yourself and the trail. On the easy parts the voice in your head is saying with bravado to the trail, “is this all you’ve got?”, while on the difficult parts of the trail you hear the trail responding with, ” you’re not prepared, you can’t get through this, you should just quit now.” Such was the case on the SCT. Carrying fully laden packs we were tested with a strenuous ascent for over 20 minutes which was designed to test the resolve of the group. Later when discussing this ascent we nicknamed it ‘judgement’ as the trail sought to find out what type of adventurers were gracing its hallowed boughs and if they were worthy to traverse any further. The end of day one saw the removal of two chaperones and one student from the trip in a decision based on protecting the student’s health, as well as the overall well being of the group. For the subsequent two days on the trail hikers were tested with grueling 17km days comprised of multiple elevation changes. At the end of day 3, exhausted, spent, ready to give in, the trail threw its final volley at our group in the form of 3km of walking in rain. Even through this we persevered and as a result were rewarded with spectacular views from Manzanita and Gibraltar Bluffs and Scout Hill. The biggest thing for me were the forest baths where walking amongst 1000 year old trees not only recharged the spirit but reinvigorated the soul. There is power in this that I think modern society has lost sight of and something that I am already longing to experience again. In terms of lessons there are many that I will take away from this experience. I will put in processes to ensure that students fully understand the scope of the adventure they are about to overtake-weighted prep hikes with elevation will prevent any surprises on the trail. While we do an info night we will now implement a second night where we will more carefully review clothing and food choices. I realized that simply discussing it is not enough as students still make poor food choices that are too heavy to carry backpacking and ones that simply do not provide enough nutrition to adequately fuel their bodies for a hike of this magnitude. I also saw footwear choices that set students up for failure on the trail-we will be stronger through our attention to detail. I vow to make these changes so I can get as many students as possible up the mountain in a positive manner to experience the power of nature that this group got to experience. That being said as a teacher and a fellow traveler I cannot begin to describe how proud I was and am about the resolve of this group. You persevered when many would have quit, and you decided to push yourself to achieve our goal when many would have taken the easier and shorter road. I know that I have been changed by this experience and I think that you have been as well whether you realize it or not. Remember when things get hard in your life that on this trip you were put to the test and you passed, and when it seemed impossible to get up that next hill you simply needed to continue putting one foot in front of the other. There’s a good metaphor for life in there and I hope you use it as your strength when the mountains of your life close in around you. You have my respect and I will always remember the time we shared on this trail. I’m all about having ‘remember when…’ moments and I will always remember when we conquered the Sunshine Coast Trail together! Outdoor Education students (and anyone else who wants to) leave a 100 word response below.

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